Permanent Jewelry: A Lucrative Side Hustle You Can Master Online

Permanent Jewelry: A Lucrative Side Hustle You Can Master Online


Are you looking for a flexible and profitable side hustle that can fit into your busy schedule? Have you ever considered learning the art of permanent jewelry? Thanks to Linked Permanent Jewelry Training, an online training platform for permanent jewelry artists, you can learn everything you need to know to start your own side hustle in this exciting field.

We recently interviewed Azlynn, a Canadian student who has been trained by Linked Promontory in the art of permanent jewelry. Azlynn shared her experience with adding permanent jewelry as her side hustle and how she has been loving it. She mentioned that it offers good margins, which initially intrigued her, and that it is flexible enough to fit into her life. She appreciates how Linked Promontory takes the guesswork out of things, providing training and equipment packages that are simple and straightforward.

Azlynn has a background in network marketing and entrepreneurship and likes the flexibility that comes with working on her own schedule. She has been doing permanent jewelry as a side hustle for a few months and enjoys the flexibility it offers. She believes that anyone can make it their own, working as much or as little as they want.

The best part? You don't need any previous welding or jewelry experience to get started. Azlynn began because she wanted permanent jewelry for herself and could not find any within an eight-hour driving distance. Linked Promontory has been helpful in supplying her with the necessary materials and supplies.

Starting a permanent jewelry business can seem overwhelming, but Azlynn's advice is simple: just do it because Linked Promontory provides everything that is needed, making it like a business in a box. In addition to the training and equipment, Linked Promontory also offers a support group and Facebook community for permanent jewelry artists, which is a valuable resource for information and support.

Networking and building relationships are key to growing any business, and the same is true for a permanent jewelry business. Azlynn notes that referrals and repeat customers are crucial to success. She also emphasizes the importance of pricing and how to determine it based on market demand and competition. As a pop-up business, she offers a different experience than a traditional jewelry store and takes that into account when setting her prices.

Azlynn has had success in partnering with salons, boutiques, and clothing stores to offer her permanent jewelry services. She explains that she received a lot of traction and interest from companies in her local area because she had built a brand prior to offering her services. She also found that offering pop-up events during special occasions, such as holiday launch parties, was a great way to collaborate with companies.

When it comes to booking appointments, Azlynn keeps it simple by using the calendar on her iPhone and sending a text reminder the day before. However, she acknowledges that everyone has different preferences and what works for her may not work for others.

If you're hesitant about starting a permanent jewelry business, Azlynn emphasizes the good profit margins and quick return on investment. She explains that she was able to recoup her initial investment after her first pop-up event and has seen students make their money back in one day. Overall, Azlynn is optimistic about the potential for success in the permanent jewelry business.

In conclusion, permanent jewelry training is a lucrative and flexible side hustle that you can master online. With the help of Linked Promontory, you can learn the skills you need to start your own business and succeed in the field of permanent jewelry. Follow Azlynn's advice and just do it – you won't regret it.